GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress Safety System)
GMDSS består av en rekke systemer, noen er nye, men mange har vært i funksjon i en årrekke. Systemene er ment å dekke følgende funksjoner: varsling (inkludert angivelse av posisjon for enhet i nød), koordinering av søk og redning, lokalisering, kringkasting av maritim sikkerhetsinformasjon, generell kommunikasjon og bro til bro-kommunikasjon. Behov for radioutstyr er i GMDSS avhengig av skipets seilingsområde, i motsetning til tonnasjen. GMDSS spesifiserer også overlappende utstyr for varsling av nød, og angir kilder for nødstrøm.
GMDSS stiller krav til hvilket utstyr som skal befinne seg på fartøyet. Kravene defineres av hvilket havområde fartøyet seiler i. Det finnes 4 havområder definerte i GMDSS, såkalte Sea Areas
De 4 havområdene er:
Sea Area A1, hvor blandt annet VHF, VHF m/DSC, Navtex, EPIRB, VHF nødkommunikasjonssett og SART inngår
Sea Areas A1+A2, hvor det samme som A1 i tillegg blandt annet MF TX + RX radio inngår.
Sea Areas A1+A2+A3, som A1 og A2 i tillegg blandt annet MF DSC, Inmasat C eller Iridium, EGC inngår.
Sea Areas A1+A2+A3+A4, som A3 i tillegg blandt annet Radiotelex.
Landor Larsen Elektronikk leverer all type utrustning som inngår i IMOs GMDSS krav.

Jotron offers an extensive and flexible range of safety products within GMDSS, AIS and lights. Jotron’s GMDSS product group and AIS Class A transponder, have been carefully designed and built for harsh maritime and offshore environments.
Jotron’s product portfolio also includes a range of marking lights and a personal strobe light. The company’s safety products are in use worldwide on merchant ships, fishing vessels, tug boats, offshore supply vessels, as well as various navy ships and energy installations offshore and onshore
Overview brochure from Jotron [here]
Read more on jotron.com

Lars Thrane
In 2018, the IMO’s Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) recognized Iridium as a provider of GMDSS satellite services. In early 2020, these GMDSS services, hereunder: Distress Alert, Safety Voice, and Maritime Safety Information (MSI) will be available via the LT-3100S GMDSS system, a terminal developed by Lars Thrane A/S.
The LT-3100S GMDSS system is designed for all IMO vessels and will be an alternative to the Inmarsat C. The LT-3100S GMDSS system meets all standards and certification requirements needed for worldwide maritime satellite communications equipment (MED, Wheelmark).
Please find product sheet [here]
Read more on https://thrane.eu/

Furuno offers in general equipment and functions for all ships irrespective of the operating sea area.
Furuno is a total supplier of maritime electronics.
Therefore Furuno can supplement VHF (model FM8900S), Navtex (model NX-700), MF/HF radiotelephone with built-in DSC/DSC Watch Receiver (models FS-1575/2575/5075), Inmarsat-C Mobile Earth Station ( model FELCOM18), Telex NBDP Terminal Unit (model IB-585), all of these products are part of Furuno's GMDSS range. This can of course be delivered in different versions and quantities, all depending on the Sea Area in which the boat will sail.
See the complete brochure on GMDSS solutions for Furuno [here]
Read more on furuno.no

JRC/Alphatron Marine B.V.
JRC offers complete GMDSS communication consoles solution are complete solutions ergonomically designed to allow the ship’s crews to access all the GMDSS equipment efficiently. It meets the international standards and requirements from IMO/SOLAS. JRC GMDSS
Communication Console is equipped with JRC MF/HF Radio Station, Inmarsat-C Ship Earth Station, and VHF/DSC Radiotelephone. All of the equipment has been proven to be highly reliable and user friendly.
See the complete range on GMDSS solutions for JRC please click JRC-world.com

Cobham / SAILOR
No matter the size of your vessel or fleet the Cobham SAILOR and Sea Tel products meets all your communication requirements, no matter where you operate.
In the ongoing digital revolution, satellite communication is part of the foundation that fuels the progress. Being able to connect, send and receive data via the internet, even when in remote locations enables companies to radically improve business and operational interactions.
Cobham SAILOR can relaying internet data via satellite involves transmitting signals from an antenna to a satellite and from the satellite to an earth station and then on to the public internet. Get introduced to satellite communication: what’s needed to get connected, what it can offer, and how to obtain the services you require.
See the complete range on GMDSS solutions for JRC please click https://sync.cobham.com/satcom/